
Monitor & Orchestrate

For version 9.1 of Catalyst

What You Will Learn:

This Catalyst course will teach you how to use the monitoring and orchestration capabilities within Catalyst. You will learn how to view, create, and share dashboards, how to create alerts using alerting channels, and how to integrate processes into Catalyst. An important part of Catalyst is to orchestrate the automation environment via the execution engine. You will be introduced to how it works and how it can be configured when it comes to real-time executions, quarantines, and leases. Each lecture will be followed up by a multiple-choice quiz which will highlight the important topics covered, and the course concludes with a final exam which will assess your understanding of the course material. When you have passed the exam, the Catalyst Monitor and Orchestrate course is complete.

Automation Measurement

Create custom charts and graphs which give you real-time updates of your processes.

View, Create, and Share

Create Dashboards which show precisely the information you want them to, allowing you to instantly generate reports or spot potential issues before they become serious. Share the dashboard configurations with colleagues, avoiding the need for redundant work.


Create Alerts which will let you
know if your RPA setup is running
into issues.

Make Sure the Right People are Alerted to Problems

Make sure executions aren't overloading your systems in critical work hours and no processes will use certain programs while they are being patched. Learn how to customize work plans based on holidays or time zones, allowing you to let Catalyst do the hard work for you.

Execution Engine

In the execution engine you
can see the status of all your processes.

View the Health of Your Setup Live

The execution engine tells you the priority of all running and waiting/blocked executions, showing you if your setup is missing capacity to handle critical tasks before a deadline. View in real time how Catalyst prioritizes tasks based on their urgency.

Catalyst Monitor & Orchestrate

For Version 9.1 of Catalyst
(ex. VAT)
  • Monitor the health of your automation environment
  • Integrate already existing executables into Catalyst
  • Learn how to make the most out of your processes

Monitoring and orchestrating are the first two steps in creating a fully-fledged and integrated automation environment in Catalyst. Step 3 - Optimize is taught in its own course, which you can take after completing the Monitor & Orchestrate course.

Curriculum Overview

Welcome to Catalyst




Multiple Choice Exam

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    For Version 9.1 of Catalyst

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